Minutes - January
Regular Business Hours : Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm |
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- . At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District held at 10:00 a.m., January 12, 2023, at 1320 Grimmett Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana, the following were present: Patrick Harrison, James T. Sims, Kandi Moore, Carolyn C. Prator, Jackie Baker, Willie Walker, and Gary Procell.
Ronald F. Lattier, Law Offices of Ronald F. Lattier; Marshall Jones, Jones & Odom, LLP; Robert Tomasek P.E., LA Department of Transportation and Development; John Barr, Regional Director, Senator John Kennedy’s Office, Ali M. Mustapha P.E., Executive Director; Penny Adams, Assistant Executive Director; and Sam Brimer, Forester were also present.
The meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Harrison asked for any comments from the public regarding agenda items or other issues. There were no public comments.
President Harrison stated that the minutes from the December 8, 2022 meeting had been emailed for review and asked for a motion to approve. Mrs. Moore made a motion, with a second by Mr. Sims, to approve the minutes from the December 2022 meeting. The motion unanimously passed.
Mrs. Moore discussed the monthly financial reports and reported that the operating expenses were consistent with monthly averages for this time of year except for a capital project, and the monthly revenues continue to be positive due to higher crude oil and natural gas prices.
The Board reviewed payments and invoices for the month of December 2022 and subsequent bills for the month of November 2022. Mr. Sims made a motion, with a second by Mr. Procell, to ratify payment of the invoices for the month of December 2022 and subsequent bills for the month of November 2022. The motion unanimously passed.
The Board unanimously approved the following resolution, with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Baker, to accept the completion of the Shiftail Canal Flood Panel Repair Project: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District’s Executive Director, Ali M. Mustapha, P.E., has advised that the project under contract with Beaty Logging, Co., Inc., entitled “Shiftail Canal Panel Repair” in Caddo Parish, is completed in accordance with plans and specifications,
WHEREAS, the Design Engineer authorized by Executive Director of the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District conducted a final inspection of the Project on October 28, 2022 and determined that the Project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and is satisfactory,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District, in legal session convened, that this project is hereby accepted upon the advice and recommendation of its advisors.
The Board unanimously approved the payment of the 2023 dues for the Association of Levee Boards of Louisiana in the amount of $2,000.00 with a motion by Mr. Procell and a second by Mr. Sims.
The Board unanimously approved the payment of the 2023 dues for the Red River Valley Association in the amount of $2,000.00 with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Walker.
The Board unanimously approved the attendance of the Executive Director and the Commissioners at the Red River Valley Association 98th Annual Convention on February 22-23, 2023, at Sam’s Town Hotel & Convention Center in Shreveport, LA with a motion by Mr. Procell and a second by Mr. Walker.
The Board unanimously approved the sponsorship of the Red River Valley Association 98th Annual Convention in the amount of $1,200.00 with a motion by Mr. Walker and a second by Mr. Sims.
The Board discussed and unanimously approved with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Baker a new Certificate of Deposit to be held by Home Federal Bank. The Executive Director was authorized to transfer the funds from the District’s Checking account to Home Federal Banks for the new 12-months Certificate of Deposit.
The Board discussed a new Certificate of Deposit to be held by Hancock Whitney Bank. It was recommended that up to $5 million be invested into a CD for one-(1) year at a rate of 3.00%. The Board unanimously approved the recommendation with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Walker.
The Board discussed a Landscape Proposal for the Caddo Levee District Office provided by Hoogland’s Landscape. The item was tabled until the next meeting for further review.
The Board unanimously approved the transfer of Campsite Permit from Vernon Crawford to Tommy Templeton for approximately one-(1) acre known as Lot# 182 with approximately one acre on Black Bayou in Section 8, T22N, R15W, Caddo Parish, Louisiana with a motion by Mr. Walker and a second by Mr. Sims.
The Board unanimously approved the renewal of the following campsite permits: Belinda Allborty, Randy Baird, W.Doyle Beckham, Laurie Bigelow, Boyd Boyter, Deanna Boyter, M.R. Byerley, Robert Campbell, Dave Caporossi, Mary Christianson, Wanda Clark, Ronny Davis, J. David Doerr, Melvin Doerr, Charles Edwards, Mark Gates, Rita Gibson, Thomas Gorsulowsky, Terry Goss, Ralph E. Gray, Harold Green, William N. Green Jr., John F. Hallford, J.C. Hartline, Randy Hollifield, Justin James, Timothy Johnson, Randy Kennedy, Margaret Marrs, Robb Martin, Jeff A. Moore, Gregory Myers, Rebecca Pettaway, Leslie Putnam, Lloyd Robertson Jr., David Rowe, Randy Snider, Frankie Stevens, Ottis G. Stevens, Clint Sullivan, Perry Sweet, Richard Taylor, James Lee Walker, Jimmy Wren Terry, Sammy Thompson, Thomas L. Todd, Edward P. Turnley, Carey Tyson, and Kenneth Webb with a motion by Mr. Procell and a second by Mr. Walker.
There was no President Report.
Mr. Mustapha reported that rehabilitation by slip lining of two (2) culverts, a 30” diameter culvert and a 30” diameter located on Twelve Mile Bayou levee will he performed in late January by the contractor who has completed 3 other similar culverts for the district in the last 2 months. Also, Mr. Mustapha reported that the contractor who was retained to power wash the parking area and the sidewalk at the Office building, 1320 Grimmett Drive, and re-stripe the designated parking spaces and Handicap access ramps has completed the work. Mr. Kevin Bryan, AIA the Architect of the office Building, has been contacted with a request to inspect the exterior of the building including the roof and recommend any renovations of maintenance needed to ensure the integrity and the aesthetics of the building are preserved and maintained. He will prepare plans for the renovations, cost estimates and a list of qualified building contractors to perform the work.
Mr. Mustapha reported that since the purchase of the tractors needed to perform the services performed by Caddo Levee District exceeds the Maximum limit in the existing State’s contract for direct purchase. Advertising the purchase for public bids is required to ensure compliance with the State’s Public Bid Laws requirement. He explained that he is preparing the specifications and the bid package and will be advertising the purchase for bids in January with an anticipated bid opening on February 9, 2023, at the Board’s February Meeting.
Mr. Mustapha reported that he is preparing the plans, specifications, and the bid package for advertising for bids the gravel surfacing of the section of West Agurs Levee Segment between North Market and the Railroad South of Thomas Street (approximately six (6) miles long. The estimated cost for the project will be $800,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 dollars.
He also reported that the District had received a request from Acre Energy to advertise a tract of land approximately 180 acres located West of Twelve Mile Bayou (Soda Lake Area) for mineral lease bid. He is reviewing the request and coordinating with attorney Jones, and they will present a Resolution to the Board for approval at the February 9, Board meeting.
Also, Mr. Mustapha reported that the CCTV inspection of the culverts is complete, and he will forward the Video’s and the reports to the USACE for review as required. The USACE is planning perform inspection of West Agurs Levee, Cherokee Park Levee, Twelve Mile Bayou Levee, and Black Bayou – Pine Island Levee starting on January 29. This will be a Periodic type of Inspection (PI) to determine risk and is not an Annual Routine Inspection.
There was no Legal Counsel Report.
Marshall Jones reported that commodity prices of crude oil and natural gas will continue to provide income in the coming year due to high demand. Also, he reported that the demand for surface water and sand for fracking natural gas wells remains high because of the Haynesville shale drilling.
There was no Forester Report.
There was no Engineer’s Report.
There was no Personnel Committee Report.
There was no Legal Committee Report.
Mr. Mustapha reported that Haystack Apartments located at Fern Avenue South Of 70th Street along the East Bank of Bayou Pierre are under renovation and the company working on the renovations is working with City of Shreveport and the Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) on plans to extend and connect the existing walking trail along Bayou Pierre South of 70th to the Existing Trail between 70th Street and Southfield Road. Since the trail is located within Bayou Pierre’s servitude a permit will be required to construct any modifications or additional improvements.
Mr. Harrison advised the Board that he is one of the partners that purchased a local company, Service Steel & Pipe. His ownership in the Company is minimal and Caddo Levee District had a customer account for the occasional purchase of products at the time of the purchase. The products purchased by the district are only available for sale from Steel & Pipe Company. The Board’s legal Counsel and the Executive Director will contact the Louisiana Board of Ethics to determine if there is a conflict of interest of future purchase of products from this company because of the minimal partner ownership relation of the Board’s President in the company.
With no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Sims made a motion to adjourn, with a second by Mr. Walker. The motion unanimously passed, and the meeting was adjourned.
President Executive Director