Caddo Levee District



Regular Business Hours : Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm






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At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District held at 10:00 a.m., April 13, 2023, at 1320 Grimmett Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana, the following were present: Patrick Harrison, Kandi Moore, James T. Sims, Willie Walker, and Gary Procell. Jackie Baker and Carolyn C. Prator were unable to attend.


Ronald F. Lattier, Law Offices of Ronald F. Lattier; Marshall Jones, Jones & Odom, LLP; Robert Tomasek P.E., LA Department of Transportation and Development; John Barr, Regional Director, Senator John Kennedy’s Office; Ali M. Mustapha P.E., Executive Director; Penny Adams, Assistant Executive Director; and Sam Brimer, Forester, were also present.


The meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.


President Harrison asked for any comments from the public regarding agenda items or other issues. There were no public comments.


President Harrison stated that the minutes from the March 9, 2023, meeting had been emailed for review and asked for a motion to approve. Mr. Sims made a motion, with a second by Mr. Walker, to approve the minutes from the March 2023 meeting. The motion unanimously passed.


Mrs. Moore discussed the monthly financial reports. She reported that operating expenses and revenues for March remain consistent with monthly averages for this time of year. However, revenues from oil and gas royalties and the Certificates of Deposits have improved in the last few months.


The Board reviewed payments and invoices for the month of March 2023 and subsequent bills for the month of February 2023. Mr. Procell made a motion, with a second by Mr. Walker, to ratify payment of the invoices for the month of March 2023 and subsequent bills for the month of February 2023. The motion unanimously passed.


The Board opened bids for the Capital Project – New West Agurs Pump Station which was re-designed by the CSRS and re-advertised for bids during March.  The sole Bid received was submitted by David Lawler Construction, Inc., in the amount of $762,520.00. 


Mr. Sims made a motion, with a second by Mr. Walker, for the following resolution accepting the bid submitted by David Lawler Construction, Inc. in the amount of $762,520.00 as the apparent lowest responsive and responsible bidder contingent upon further review by Ali Mustapha, P.E., Executive Director.  The motion was unanimously approved.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District, in legal session convened, that the bid from David Lawler Construction, Inc. in the amount of $762,520.00, contingent upon further review be accepted as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the New West Agurs Pump Station, and the President is authorized to execute such contract documents as appropriate to implement this project, subject to the examination and approval of the Board’s Executive Director, Ali Mustapha, P. E.


The Board opened the meeting to public hearing to discuss the operating budget of Caddo Levee District for the 2023-2024 fiscal year with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Procell. The Board discussed the proposed budget and reviewed in detail the projected revenues and expenditures for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. There were no public comments. The public hearing was closed with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Sims.


             The Board unanimously passed the following resolution to approve the operating budget for the Caddo Levee District 2023-2024 fiscal year with a motion by Mr. Sims and a second by Mrs. Moore:


        BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District in legal session convened, that:


             Section 1:  The attached estimate of revenues for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, be and the same is hereby adopted to serve as an operating budget of revenues for the District, during same period.


             Section 2:  The attached estimates of expenditures for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, be and the same is hereby adopted to serve as a budget of expenditures for the District during the said period.


             Section 3:  The adoption of the operating budget of expenditures be and the same is hereby declared to operate as an appropriation of the amount therein set forth within the terms of the budget classification.


             Section 4:  Amounts are available for expenditures only to the extent included within the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget.


      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and in his sole discretion, to make transfers within the various budget classifications from one classification to another as he may deem necessary provided that any transfer of funds in excess of five percent (5%) of the classification must be approved in advance by action of the Board of Commissioners at a meeting duly noticed and convened.


The Board unanimously passed the following resolution to designate funds for the Caddo Levee District budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Sims:


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District, in legal session convened, that it does hereby designate $31,426,558 for capital outlay and $8,000,000 for flood fight contingencies for the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget.


The Board unanimously denied the request to participate in the Risk 2 FEMA Lawsuit with a motion by Mr. Procell and a second by Mr. Walker.


President Harrison reminded the Board that they are required to file the Louisiana Board of Ethics annual Tier 2.1 Personal Financial Disclosure Statement by May 15, 2023.


The Board unanimously approved the attendance of the Commissioners at the Association of Levee Boards of Louisiana 36th Annual Workshop to be held on Thursday and Friday, April 27-28, 2023, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Procell.



The Board unanimously approved the option to renew the Annual Supply of Spray Herbicide Chemicals contract for the calendar year beginning April 8, 2023, and ending December 31, 2024, with Red River Specialties, Inc. as per original bid specifications for April 8, 2021 through December 31, 2021 with two one-year renewal options, with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Procell.


The Board unanimously approved the transfer of Campsite Permit from Robb Martin to James D. Gallagher for approximately one-(1) acre known as Lot# 189 with approximately one acre on Caddo Lake in Section 21, T20N, R15W, Caddo Parish, Louisiana with a motion by Mr. Sims and a second by Mrs. Moore.


            There was no President Report.


            Mr. Mustapha reported that the inspection of the office building’s exterior stucco and roof by the Architect revealed the presence of significant damage to the exterior of the walls which is caused by water intrusion and improper workmanship installation by the Stucco sub-contractor. The damage is severe and will require major repairs or renovations and replacement of the stucco.  Ali Mustapha will coordinate and discuss the repair options with the Architect and advise him to proceed with preparing the design and specifications for the required work, prepare cost estimates, solicit quotes from contractors or advertise the project for bids.


             Mr. Mustapha reported that he has received 4 quotes from state approved vendors for the purchase of a new Compact Tract Loader “Skid Steer” in accordance with the state’s purchasing requirements.  The quotes were submitted by Goldman Equipment, L.L.C., Doggett, William Equipment & Supply “Bobcat Supplier”, and Scott Equipment Company LLC.  Mr. Mustapha will be reviewing the quotes, warranty packages, delivery time and available equipment attachments.  After evaluation of all the submittals he will order the Compact Tract Loader which best fulfils the construction and maintenance needs of the district.


            Mr. Mustapha reported that the area received heavy rain storms the first 2 weeks in April and that resulted in high water surface elevations of the Red River, Caddo Lake, Black Bayou, Cross Lake crested above flood stage at173.17’, Wallace Lake crested at above flood stage too at 151.75’, and Twelve Mile Bayou crested at 25.95’ at LA 173-monitoring station, “155.87’ @ West Agurs PS” gauge.  Heavy rainstorms and wet weather conditions usually produce movement of the levee banks and could cause major bank caving and slides.  The staff will inspect the levees for slope failures and any bank carving or slides will be repaired as soon as the weather conditions improve.  The Agurs Flood Gate was closed to control backwater flooding from Twelve Mile Bayou and the Red River.


            Mr. Mustapha reported that he has been contacted by Steven Logan, Logan Farms, regarding the need to inspect, spray and clear obstructions in Dooley Bayou’s channel to reduce backwater flooding and improve the flow characteristics.  He has contacted DOTD and requested the cleaning of the box culverts and bridges’ openings at the crossing of the Bayou and State Highways (LA 3040, LA 71 and I-49).  Also, he has contacted EDCO and requested spraying the main channel using a Drone to control vegetation growth and improve the flow characteristics of the channel.


             There was no Legal Counsel Report.


                 Marshall Jones reported that the commodity prices of crude oil have remained steady but the natural gas prices continued to drop. He stated that the district’s revenues from royalties may continue to decline in Summer of 2023.

Sam Brimer reported that the spraying and cutting season has begun.


Robert Tomasek, P.E. reported that he has accepted an offer for employment with the City of Shreveport’s – Public Works Department and will be leaving his current position at DOTD at the end of April.  He expressed his appreciation to the Board and staff.


There was no Personnel Committee Report.


There was no Legal Committee Report.


There was no Equipment Committee Report.


There was no Recreation Committee Report.


Mr. Harrison asked the Board to keep Mr. Michael Hoogland’s family in their prayers. Michael passed away suddenly and was the son-in-law of CLD Past Board chairman and member, Mr. Jim Adger, who served on the Board for more than 20 years.       


With no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Sims made a motion to adjourn, with a second by Mr. Walker. The motion unanimously passed, and the meeting was adjourned.






President                                                                                                 Executive Director