-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- - At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District held at 10:00 a.m., March 14, 2024, at 1320 Grimmett Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana, the following members were present: Patrick Harrison, Kandi Moore, James T. Sims, Jackie Baker, Willie Walker, and Gary Procell. Carolyn C. Prator was unable to attend.
Marshall Jones, J. Marshall Jones JR., (APLC) a Professional Law Corporation; Joshua Monroe, E.I., LA Department of Transportation; John Barr, Regional Director, Senator John Kennedy’s Office; Patrick Furlong, P.E., Executive Director; Penny Adams, Assistant Executive Director were also present.
The meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Harrison asked for any comments from the public regarding agenda items or other issues. There were no public comments.
President Harrison stated that the minutes from the February 8, 2024, meeting had been emailed for review and asked for a motion to approve. Mr. Sims made a motion, with a second by Mr. Baker, to approve the minutes from the February 8, 2024 meeting. The motion unanimously passed.
Mrs. Moore discussed the monthly financial reports, noting that reports were updated to show fair market value adjustments on treasury bonds and current fixed assets. Mrs. Moore reported that the operating expenses were consistent with monthly averages for this time of year and the monthly revenues continue to be positive due to higher crude oil and natural gas prices.
The Board reviewed payments and invoices for the month of February 2024 and subsequent bills for the month of January 2024. Mr. Walker made a motion, with a second by Mr. Baker, to ratify payment of the invoices for the month of February 2024 and subsequent bills for the month of January 2024. The motion unanimously passed.
The Board discussed and unanimously approved a motion by Mr. Sims and a second by Mr. Walker on the renewal of Certificate of Deposit currently held by First Horizon and maturing on March 17, 2024 for a funds transfer into a 24 - month term with Cross Keys Bank Certificate of Deposit at the rate of 4.40% unless First Horizon can match the same conditions.
The Board opened the meeting to public hearing to discuss the operating budget of Caddo Levee District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Sims. The Board discussed the proposed budget and reviewed in detail the projected revenues and expenditures for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. There were no public comments. The public hearing was closed with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Walker.
The Board unanimously passed the following resolution to approve the operating budget for the Caddo Levee District 2024-2025 fiscal year with a motion by Mr. Baker and a second by Mr. Procell:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District in legal session convened, that:
Section 1: The attached estimate of revenues for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, be and the same is hereby adopted to serve as an operating budget of revenues for the District, during same period.
Section 2: The attached estimates of expenditures for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, be and the same is hereby adopted to serve as a budget of expenditures for the District during the said period.
Section 3: The adoption of the operating budget of expenditures be and the same is hereby declared to operate as an appropriation of the amount therein set forth within the terms of the budget classification.
Section 4: Amounts are available for expenditures only to the extent included within the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and in his sole discretion, to make transfers within the various budget classifications from one classification to another as he may deem necessary provided that any transfer of funds in excess of five percent (5%) of the classification must be approved in advance by action of the Board of Commissioners at a meeting duly noticed and convened.
The Board unanimously passed the following resolution to designate funds for the Caddo Levee District budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Baker:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District, in legal session convened, that it does hereby designate $32,400,000 for capital outlay and $8,000,000 for flood fight contingencies for the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget.
The Board with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Procell unanimously approved the renewal of the following campsite permits: Eliel Austin and Robert Blake Rice.
The Board unanimously approved the Campsite Permit of Phil Wilson for approximately one (1) acre known as Lot# 8, located in Section 5, T15N, R13W, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Sims.
The Board unanimously approved the transfer of Campsite Permit from Gary Ferguson to Hilda Page for approximately one (1) acre known as Lot# 81 located at 11756 Catfish Road, Vivian, in Section 23, T21N, R16W, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, with a motion by Mrs. Moore and a second by Mr. Walker.
The Board approved the attendance of the Commissioners, Executive Director, and Attorneys at the Association of Levee Boards of Louisiana 37th Annual Workshop to be held on May 2-3, 2024, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with a motion by Mr. Sims, a second by Mr. Walker, six (6) Commissioners were in favor with one (1) Commissioner opposed.
President Harrison commended Patrick Furlong and District staff in their roles on transitioning well under new management. Sam Brimer was promoted to Levee Board Operations Superintendent. Mr. Harrison stated the importance of the building’s appearance and completion of plans for the awnings and landscape.
Mr. Furlong presented the Board with a summary of ongoing office and field work, projects, proposals, and his travel plans next week for a USACE meeting regarding the Red River navigation project to Arkansas. The landscaping proposals were passed around receiving additional Board feedback. Mr. Furlong presented the computer program, GIS, to the Board. In his demonstration, he was able to show how beneficial it will be once all data is entered and shared.
There was no Legal Report.
Marshall Jones reported on current and historical oil and gas commodity pricing, giving his predictions based on forecasted international demands and weather. He expressed how he has always been frugal but effective in working for the District.
Mr. Monroe gave his DOTD Engineer’s report stating that he is working on several permits submitted by the District and is readying for levee inspections. He also stated he would get an update on the leaking Black Bayou Dam/Floodgate for the Board.
There was no Forester’s Report.
There was no Personnel Committee Report.
There was no Legal Committee Report.
There was no Equipment Committee Report.
There was no Recreational Committee Report.
With no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Sims made a motion to adjourn, with a second by Mr. Walker. The motion unanimously passed, and the meeting was adjourned.
President Executive Director |
MARCH 14, 2024 |
1. Call meeting to order. 2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Public comments. 4. Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on February 8, 2024. 5. Discussion of monthly financial reports. 6. Ratify payment of statements and invoices for the month of February 2024 and subsequent bills for month of January 2024. 7. Maturity of $2,500,000 Certificate of Deposit with First Horizon. 8. Opening of public hearing and request for comments from the public on the operating budget of Caddo Levee District for fiscal year 2024-2025. After comments from the public, close of public hearing. 9. Approval of budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 10. Consideration of designated funds for fiscal year 2024-2025. 11. Consideration of the renewal of the following permits: Eliel Austin Lot#20 and Robert Blake Rice Lot#138. 12. Consideration of campsite permit request from Phil Wilson for approximately one (1) acre known as Lot# 8 located in Section 5, T15N, R13W, Caddo Parish, Louisiana. 13. Consideration of campsite permit transfer request from Gary Ferguson to Hilda Page for approximately one (1) acre known as Lot# 81 located at 11756 Catfish Road, Vivian, in Section 23, T21N, R16W, Caddo Parish, Louisiana. 14. Approval of attendance of Commissioners and Executive Director at the Association of Levee Boards of Louisiana 37th Annual Workshop of May 2-3, 2024, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 15. President’s Report. 16. Executive Director’s Report. 17. Report of Ron Lattier, Board’s Legal Counsel. 18. Report of Marshall Jones, Board’s Oil & Gas Counsel. 19. Engineer’s Report. 20. Forester’s Report. 21. Personnel Committee Report. 22. Legal Committee Report. 23. Equipment Committee Report. 24. Recreational Committee Report. 25. Other Business to Bring before the Board. 26. Adjourn. |
Minutes - March 14, 2024
Regular Business Hours : Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm |