OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF CADDO LEVEE DISTRICT AT REGULAR MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 10, 2024 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Caddo Levee District held at 10:00 a.m., October 10th, 2024, at 1320 Grimmett Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana, the following members were present: Patrick Harrison, Kandi Moore, James T. Sims, Jackie Baker, Carolyn C. Prator, and Willie Walker.
Ronald F. Lattier, Law Offices of Ronald F. Lattier; Marshall Jones, J. Marshall Jones Jr., (APLC) a Professional Law Corporation; Joshua Monroe, E.I., LA Department of Transportation; Seth Miller, WMA Biologist, LA. Department of Wildlife & Fisheries; Jeff Johnson, Biologist Manager, LA. Department of Wildlife & Fisheries; Mike DeFalco, Auditor, Broussard & Company CPAs, LLC; Patrick Furlong, P.E., Executive Director; and Penny Adams, HR Analyst, were also present.
The meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Harrison stated that the minutes from the September 12th, 2024, meeting had been emailed for review and asked for a motion to approve. Mr. Sims made a motion, with a second by Mr. Baker, to approve the minutes from the September 12th, 2024 meeting. The motion unanimously passed.
Mrs. Moore reported on the monthly financial reports with majority of income from the financial portfolio, oil and gas royalties, and with majority of expense in audit fees, levee repair project, and the purchase of new truck.
The Board reviewed payments and invoices for the month of September 2024 and subsequent bills for the month of August 2024. Mrs. Moore made a motion, with a second by Mr. Sims, to ratify payment of the invoices for the month of September 2024 and subsequent bills for the month of August 2024. The motion unanimously passed.
Mr. DeFalco, Broussard & Company CPAs, LLC. presented the Board with copies of Caddo Levee District’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Mr. DeFalco reported the audit was conducted smoothly, a strong financial position, confirmed correct materials, and adjustments would be sent to the office.
Mr. Seth Miller, WMA Biologist for the LA Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, presented to the Board the Annual Report for the Soda Lake Wildlife Management Area (WMA). He also thanked the Board for their continued partnership and support of the Soda Lake Wildlife Management Area. The Board unanimously approved the renewal of Soda Lake Wildlife Management Agreement with LA Department of Wildlife and Fisheries with a motion by Mr. Sims, and a second with Mr. Walker.
President Harrison commended Mr. Furlong for his leadership and all staff for their continued support in managing the District.
Mr. Furlong presented and discussed Preliminary Long Term Capital Improvements with the Board. Mr. Furlong showed drone footage of areas of concern and will present the Board with a plan for imminent repairs and work with USACE on Sentell Road. Mr. Furlong reported he had met with the Bossier Levee District on the outcome of the new profile of the Red River. The Board requested Mr. Furlong maintain connections with all that were on the prior Flood Technical Committee. Mr. Furlong reported continued work with the geographic information system (GIS) and updating our website. Mr. Furlong also reported an SUV was purchased. Mr. Furlong then reported that crews were continuing levee maintenance, painting, and safety meetings.
Josh Monroe reported on the Black Bayou Dam and partial Spillway repairs, Hwy. 3049 overlay/repaving project, and upcoming levee inspections.
There was no Legal Report.
Marshall Jones reported that the crude oil and the natural gas prices with predictions based on domestic and foreign politics, supply and demand economics, and winter weather forecasts. Mr. Jones reported a new oil lease to be considered and a transfer of an assignee without consent. Mr. Jones recommended a meeting with the Executive Committee to discuss strategy and accountability for a plan on plugging abandoned wells.
There was no Legal Committee Report.
Mr. Walker reported that a new truck was purchased.
There was no Recreational Committee Report.
With no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Sims made a motion to adjourn, with a second by Mr. Walker. The motion unanimously passed, and the meeting was adjourned.
President Executive Director |
OCTOBER 10, 2024
Regular Business Hours : Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm |
1. Call meeting to order. 2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Public comments. 4. Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on September 12, 2024. 5. Discussion of monthly financial reports. 6. Ratify payment of statements and invoices for the month of September 2024 and subsequent bills for the month of August 2024. 7. Report of Mike DeFalco, CPA, to review Caddo Levee District’s Annual Audit and Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
8. Report of Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries on the Soda Lake Wildlife Management Area.
9. Consideration of renewal of surface lease for the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries for approximately 1,100+ acres for the Soda Lake Wildlife Management Area.
10. President’s Report. 11. Executive Director’s Report. 12. Forester’s Report. 13. Engineer’s Report. 14. Report of Ron Lattier, Board’s Legal Counsel. 15. Report of Marshall Jones, Board’s Oil & Gas Counsel. 16. Legal Committee Report. 17. Equipment Committee Report. 18. Recreation Committee Report. 19. Other Business to Bring before the Board. 20. Adjourn. |